Hero's Journey Class
Thu, Apr 06
Become the Hero of your story. Change your life in one year using the principles of Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey.

Time & Location
Apr 06, 2023, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
About the Event
Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, these stories have impacted generations of people, and it's not just because we like to imagine a world where magic is real. The heroes of these stories follow a path that can be traced back to the very origins of myth. Their struggles, failures and ultimate victories speak to us because ultimately, we all long to become the hero of our own story.
Your teacher, Jayenna, spent thirteen years stuck in an abusive relationship. She understands as well as anyone the difficulty of becoming 'heroic' in your life and she knows that it takes more than a one-day workshop to create this kind of change. That's why she designed this class to take place once every three months over the course of a year. Jayenna will use the steps of this mythical journey to give you the tools to transform your life. The spacing of the classes allows time to process and integrate each assignment before moving on to the next stage. In one year, you could change your life. You could become the hero of your story.
April 6th
Class #1: The Call to Action
July 20th
Class #2 The Road of Trials
October 19th
Class #3 The Innermost Cave
January 4th
Class #4 The Return
Each class will be recorded to allow viewing flexibility for busy schedules. Participation is always optional and you are welcome to sit in on the class with your camera turned off/audio muted.
Cost of Course is $50 per class. Register via eventbrite link below.